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I had shot Caity a number of years ago at the beginning of the run of her CW show Legends of Tomorrow. Now years later into their seventh season or so Caity approached me to shoot again. After years of playing a superhero action star. I thought it would be cool to focus more on her feminine side. When I was having dinner with her once and the light from overhead hit her in her white turtleneck dress, she reminded me more of a young Sharon Stone than the next marvel star. I wanted to focus on that feel for this shoot. Caity said she had a friend that had a house at the top of Mullholland that we could shoot at so why don’t we just throw a shoot together there. I don’t do things simply. I stopped at my friend’s showroom on the way and grabbed clothes with a theme in mind. A bit Sharon stone… a bit Princess Margerate going to her famous island for an escape… perhaps to meet Mick Jagger for a romp! A sixties… very feminine vacation feel. Caity is a tomboy at heart, so these clothes were not her everyday thing… But she had fun giving it a go, and in my mind, so suited the look. It was a nice afternoon escape for all of us!!

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