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EVD is a luxury design brand out of New Zealand that contacted me directly when they started their brand. Classic, simple, beautifully made clothes that were something you would have in your closet for the rest of your life. They were  a young duo that trusted my vision of really loose shooting. To make the images up as we go, the importance of getting the feeling before you get the shot. I cast all types of models and just played in my backyard for the first shoot. It was a real adventure. They then flew me to New Zealand where we shot in their showroom and around the neighborhood. After that we did another shoot in LA during the pandemic.  We shot in a warehouse space of one of the models.

The shoots are always loose, energy filled, sexy. The EVD team  just enjoyed stepping back and watching the magic happen. They put no parameters on me and let the shoots happen organically, trusting me and my little team to do what we are good at!